
Billing and E-Payment FAQ

Authorized Party Setup

Can my parent, guardian, or authorized party have access to make payments and setup a payment plan on my account?

Yes!  Follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • Click on the “Add and Authorized Party” link in the lower right hand corner. 

Note:  You can have multiple authorized parties.  You should setup any individual that you would like to have access to your tuition account as an authorized party.  They will receive a separate login and link to access the site. 

My student has added me as an Authorized Party in the Nelnet portal, how do I login to the account?  

  • Go to
  • Click on “Sign In”
  • Use the login information you created when you signed up to sign in.
  • If you forgot your Username or Password click on “Forgot Username/Password?”

My student sent me the authorized party invitation through Nelnet, but I did not activate it in time.

  • Your student needs to resend the invitation to you.
    • Login to the my.scranton portal
    • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
    • Once in the Nelnet Portal click on “My Profile” in the top menu bar
    • In the Manage Payers box click on “Edit” next to the Authorized Party you want to resend the invitation for.
    • On the next screen click on the Save and Send button on the bottom of the screen
    • The Authorized Party should activate their account within 24 hours.

My student set me up as an authorized party, but I cannot see all of the transaction details.

  • Your student has only given you limited access with no transaction details. If they would like you to access all the details of their Nelnet account they need to complete the following steps:
    • Login to the my.scranton portal
    • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
    • Once in the Nelnet Portal click on “My Profile” in the top menu bar
    • In the Manage Payers box click on “Edit” next to the Authorized Party you want to edit
    • On the next screen ensure the “Include the details that make up my balance” box is checked
    • Click the green Save button on the bottom of the screen


How do I access my e-bill?

Follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • Click “View Current Statement”

Note:  This statement is current as of the date it was run.  Statements are run on a monthly basis.  If you do not have an available statement or your statement is not up to date please see the steps to view your current balance due below.   

How do I see my current balance due on my tuition account?

Follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • Your current balance will show in the “Payment Plan & Billing” block

How do I view the details of the balance (charges and payments) on my tuition account? 

Follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • Click on “Transaction Details” in the “Payment Plan & Billing” block

How do I make a payment via e-check (no fee attached) or debit or credit card (fee attached)?

Follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • In the “Payment Plan & Billing” block click the “Make a Payment” button

Note:  There is a fee of 2.75% charged for Debit and Credit Cards. 

I want to make a payment on my tuition account, but I don’t see the “Make a Payment” button?

If the balance on your tuition account is zero you are unable to make a payment at this time.  If you are expecting additional charges on your account please allow 24 – 48 hours for your account to be updated and log back into the Nelnet Business Solutions portal at that time. 

Payment Plans

When can I sign up for my payment plan?

See the for the payment plan options available. 

Tuition Account Credit Balance Refunds

If you have a credit (-) balance on your account after the start of classes and would like to receive your tuition refund you must request the refund by calling the Bursar’s Office at 570-941-4062 or by stopping by the office located in St. Thomas Hall Room 103. 

How do I update my preferences for my Tuition Refund?

To update your refund preferences follow these steps:

  • Login to the my.scranton portal
  • Locate the Bursar card and click on Access Nelnet Business Solutions
  • You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site
  • Click on the “Manage Refunds” button

If you select direct deposit you will receive your refund in 2 – 3 business days.  If you select check your will receive your refund in 5 – 7 business days via a check mailed to the mailing address on file. 

Please note that if you do not make a selection your refund will automatically be processed as a check.

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